Thursday, August 23, 2007


chain mass mailing fuckers.

These retards still exist!? Furthermore I even got sent by one on my non-primary email. It was some shit about this little girl that needs some blood or something that is related to the bone marrow.

1. This shit is old, I got it a few years back.
2. Right at the bottom of the original email, had a CIMB disclaimer statement which indicates that the email is not supposed to be forwarded to anybody else except the original recipient.

Learn to fucking read?

Anyways I hijack the bitch's (who sent me that email) forwarding list and replied to all of them referring to her in particular about how stupid they are forwarding those kind of shit and for their benefit explaining the reasons. I also indicated that the person who mailed me has not communicated with me for a few years now and that she should actually take time to sort out her mailing list. Oh and to stop forwarding stupid chain mails.

If you do not link this article to your friends, you will die a virgin.

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