Monday, August 27, 2007


I have this habit of avoiding areas which have been visited by people I dislike or hate. I have this mindset where I would rather have as less to do with them as possible which includes internet space. The most recent examples I can give are blogs of people I know. I noticed that they have contaminated the sites I frequent thus leaving me with disgust followed by my loss of interest in going back to those places again. Of course I have no power to control people. So I avoid those places instead. They sicken me. After what they did, they can manage to behave presentable to others who are unaware of such colors they hide. Such is life.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


chain mass mailing fuckers.

These retards still exist!? Furthermore I even got sent by one on my non-primary email. It was some shit about this little girl that needs some blood or something that is related to the bone marrow.

1. This shit is old, I got it a few years back.
2. Right at the bottom of the original email, had a CIMB disclaimer statement which indicates that the email is not supposed to be forwarded to anybody else except the original recipient.

Learn to fucking read?

Anyways I hijack the bitch's (who sent me that email) forwarding list and replied to all of them referring to her in particular about how stupid they are forwarding those kind of shit and for their benefit explaining the reasons. I also indicated that the person who mailed me has not communicated with me for a few years now and that she should actually take time to sort out her mailing list. Oh and to stop forwarding stupid chain mails.

If you do not link this article to your friends, you will die a virgin.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mob Mentality

In the Bible, it tells of how Jesus was wrongly accused and hated so much so that His own people wanted to see Him dead. When Pilate asked the Jews to choose between Jesus or a notorious criminal, deciding who they wanted to set free as it was a custom back then where they let a criminal go free in commemoration with a certain event. They chose the criminal. A person who may have murdered and done many other vicious acts. They chose him over a person whom they saw as a threat to the Jewish believes and teachings. Just to spite Him. Of course there were instigators. They were the pharisees; religious teachers that were considered holy men who followed God's 'law' down to every word.

This is not intended to flame the Jews or the pharisees in anyway. I just want to relate the present day scenario with the past. You may be wondering, "Come on, we are not so uncivilized as to gang up on one person just because he/she is different in ways that are not normal to us". That is where you are wrong. The feeling is there, though the reaction may be different. One of the main reasons why we are 'civilized' as we do not resort to the aforementioned scenario is because such actions are against the law of today. Everyone value their own lives so they react within limitations to the extent that they remain safe. It could range from just maliciously talking behind one's back or even manipulating others to go against a person they hate.

Some people do not see this as a wrong doing. These people might think they performing justice by spread the word about how evil a person is, thinking they are doing others a favor by warning them when ultimately it is their personal dispute and differences with that particular person. Some people know it is wrong, but yet still do it with the same thinking where they must band together to go against a person who is different from them. That person may be inferior or superior. Nevertheless that person will still be seen and treated as different.

I am really disappointed with 'fellow Christians' more than anybody else. To be able to behave that way to your own people, to people who share the same faith as you all. You make Jesus sad! Why do you choose to turn a blind eye? Why do you choose to remain silent? Why do you refuse to get involve in helping a troubled person? Is it the fear of inconvenience? Out of your comfort zone? You are no more use than a gathering of stones. You go to church every Sunday. Why? To show others that you are holy? To show others that you are Christians? Christians who do nothing but let other people know they are Christians? Remember action speaks louder than words. Your actions are your testimonies of yourself. You can claim to be righteous and have not done anything wrong in your entire life. However, what is the sure if you have not helped other? Especially going out of the way to do so? You are no better than anybody else. You could be people from other religion or no religion at all for all I know or care.

Those of you that go to church seeing it as a social gathering where you get to meet up with 'Christian Friends' every weekend. What is preventing you from meeting up wit these people every other time? People who go to church to portray how righteous and good they are and people who actually are gullible enough to believe them.

Then come the sayings. 'Nobody is perfect'. 'Church is for sinners'. Please do not give me that shit. You use it as a cop out to remain the way you are. If you know you but without flaws, then strive to improve on the areas wherever you can in thoughts of it being a blessing to others once achieved. Why keep harping about your flaws and not do anything about it? Do you expect people to accept who you are without improving yourself? Would you accept others for who they are without expecting or helping them change themselves for the better? If you have the mindset of 'I don't mess with him/her, he/she does not mess with me, everything is fine', what are you doing in church? What are you doing calling yourselves Christians? Christians are not just for show or display. It is not a social status which makes you better than the rest. In fact it is a status labeling yourself imperfect and a sinner. One who sincerely desires to be a better person through actions rather than just talk and prayers.

You do not get closer to God by just listening to sermons on weekends, singing songs to God, reading the Bible and praying everyday. Those are just the theory part. If you do not put it into practicality. If you do not use what has been given to you as a privilege, you are of no use to anybody. Not to men, not to God.

The next time a situation occurs where you call yourself a Christian. You should think before considering yourself one.
I am so sick of all of you good for nothing 'Sunday Christians'. You think not using profanities and not having bad thoughts make you pure and righteous? By not helping whenever you have the opportunity to, by not saying something when you have the change to is already evil in itself. A person who does not say anything in hopes of preventing from lying is still dishonest. A person who does not do anything in hopes of not fucking up is still useless. It has come to the extent when I hear people calling themselves Christians, I become more careful of them.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Right. Honestly I cannot remember what exactly that word means. Someone used it on me yesterday. In regards to me speaking my mind about something I do not like.

I hate it when people come up to me and say something like "oh something bad happened to me, it is so bad, it is terrible. Yep very bad." Obviously they want some sort of fucking attention and you just blindly go like "What happened?"

You know what is fucked up? They go like "I am not going to tell you!"
Hey fuck! That is fucking fine with me. If you were not going to tell me in the first place why did you bring that whole shit up in the first place?

So naturally I say to that person there is no point in telling me things halfway and being vague about it as it is also annoying. So that person was not happy to hear what I said and started going on about my words being hurtful this and that as if that person was the only one who had feelings and that everybody was out to hurt that person. Other people are people too! You do not fucking play fucking games with them in hopes of getting their attention and maybe some sugar coated optimistic sayings for whatever the fuck your problems are. If you want proper responses, then tell it properly. If you are going to be retarded about it then you get what you put in.

Then I got some email article thing about people should watch what they say and they should only say nice things. I should? Even when there is not anything nice? Even when what you expect me to say is a complete lie? I am sorry. I just cannot do it. The way how I am implied is like I intentionally use malicious words to hurt and curse people. Why would I want to waste my time doing that?

I am sick of these people that expect nothing but nice'ness in their lives and expect them from people too. You have to make your own 'nice'. Nobody is nice to you for nothing. Especially when you do nothing in the first place. Saying 'hello' and 'goodbye' does not equate you to being nice. Smiling does not make a person nice. This relates back to people claiming to be friends and shit. What have you done for me to call yourself my friend? What have I done for you to consider myself your friend? I do not go around claiming I am somebody's friend unless my actions prove it. True to some 'popular' people I may a very lonely guy but hey that does not bring me down. I cannot stand fake nice people they are everywhere. Some are even 'nice' and 'friendly' as long as you do not burden them with your troubles.

I will not live in a world where everybody is being plastically nice to each other where almost nothing is real. So yeah go fuck yourselves.


I am somewhat amused by people who almost never go out of their houses for anything other than meals, school, lessons, compulsory and obligatory events. They are sheltered from the outside world with the highly probable reason of it being dangerous outside. Most of these cases are however often related to well off people. I will not use the term 'rich' because nobody will admit they are rich unless they are really filthy rich. Heck even somebody who is able to get a baby grand on a whim with the sole and oh so compelling reason of wanting to study to be a concert pianist, can say they are not rich. Which is why I do not use the term rich.

These people... *cringes* upon being released from their captivity or habitat tend to make trivial stuff into a 'matter of a fact' deal. You may mistake me for being those people that try to be cool by being unimpressed due to 'been there done that' syndrome but no, I assure you. If I wanted to be cool, you would be able to tell obvious symptoms of an attention depraved person.

Maybe it is us less privilege people that take certain things we have everyday for granted which these well off people never even dreamed of doing. I guess Janis Joplin has a point in singing 'Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose'.
Whatever it is, I hate well off people who have a 'I'm so smart and better than you' attitude. I have never met a person who shows no hint of genuine humility as of yet. If they are not showing off their wealth and going "Oh I'm not rich!" they are trying to show off their knowledge/intellect/skill which money can buy. Either way, product or service, it still sickens me.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Into This World

Finally I have accumulated sufficient hatred and malice to let it out on a blog.
What an anti climax. This will be where I reveal the pure form of negative energy. That is all the warning you are going to get.

Anybody or anything that piss me off enough will be posted here. Somehow this venting anger and frustrations on a blog seems dumb. Well it may seem not to help for me, but my main objective is to let it out on the people I intended to annoy them, offend them, hurt them and maybe... make them cry? Making them wish they never messed with me.

Do not expect logical reasons though I am one who would make my actions justified as much as possible. Basis is for every action there is reaction. Hopefully the more I write here the 'better' I become.